Friday, March 07, 2008

Quoting Quotes

Motivational quotes. Uplifting articles. Quotes on integrity, courage and vision. I have bombarded myself with all these for the past two weeks in preparation for a major project/event at work. Before I find myself desensitized to all that is meant by what was written, I think I have to think and feel them for a while.

There is so much in these grain of truths that I already know in my mind, perhaps in my heart as well. Sad to say, only a few gets translated to action. I ask myself why but I ultimately realize that this is a pointless exercise. Fast forward, here are the steps to speed up the resolution: Examine status quo. Evaluate if desirable/optimal. If yes, improve. If no, change. Sounds simple enough to illustrate in a flowchart. Still extremely difficult to act upon, much more preach about.

Here are some quotes on integrity that I have encountered through the course of my “research”:

- “The only correct actions are those that demand no explanation and no apology.” (Red Auerbach)
I am prompted to think of the possible ethical dilemmas and solutions/actions that I have/will have to take.

- “Live in such a way that you would not be ashamed to sell your parrot to the town gossip.” (Will Rogers)
Alas, I fail this test. I can only imagine what my parrot would say about the state of my room (and lately, our kitchen)! Hehe…

- “The reputation of a thousand years may be determined by the conduct of one hour”. (Japanese Proverb)
I think this is more applicable to my company and the industry that it is a part of than to myself. The importance of reputation is proportional to one’s own significance.

-“To speak ill of others is a dishonest way of praising ourselves.” (Will Durant)
All ye who have ears (including me), listen!

-“When you choose the lesser of two evils, remember that it is still an evil.” (Max Lerner)
I would like to especially address this to those who advise people to “moderate your greed”.

-“The time is always right to do what is right.” (Martin Luther King, Jr.)
Yup. Not later. Not tomorrow. Now.

-“Remember, if you’re headed in the wrong direction, God allows U-turns.” (Allison Gappa Bottke)
Thank you, Lord!

These are just a FEW quotes on integrity. It is the motivational ones that get me to think most. It reminds me that I have no limits. I can do anything. I should dream big. I know I have simple dreams. Beautiful, but simple ones. Then again, simple does not necessarily mean ‘small’. After all, in our world today, the dream of being good (in all its real sense as a person, a Christian, as a member of the community), is such a big big dream in itself. So to all those who reminded and continues to remind me to dream big, attract positive energy, work hard, take risks, and love well: kudos! You make the world a better place
for me to live in.


Anonymous said...

You write very well.

Lara said...

Thanks, Leanne...=)