Friday, October 07, 2005

I Cried

"This is the story of a girl who cried a river and drowned the whole world..." (Story of A Girl by Nine Days)

Last night I cried an ocean for all the possible reasons...

I cried for me. I cried for him.
I cried for all the people in pain.
I cried because I was proud and ashamed.
I cried for all the times I had only me to blame.
I cried because I am happy and so very blessed.
I am thankful for the people who know my flaws best.
I cried for my country, family, friends and team mate
and for all blessings in disguise that I learned to appreciate.
I cried for my childhood, my future and my present life in limbo,
recalling the times I had nowhere left to go.
Mostly, I cried to God in remorseful thanksgiving
for always reminding me that life is worth living.

I paused. I prayed. I cried some more.

I never was a big fan of crying and I grew up curtailing emotions that would make me cry. Instead of crying, I would rather do something. But there are times when there's nothing one can do. I know now that crying is healthy because after the tears, a certain calmness follows. That tranquility allows me to move on, live on and love on